Journals of Arts & Humanities Studies combines the vast genres of Arts and Humanities that covers cutting-edge papers in the form of literature reviews, original research and exploratory studies, as well as academic reflections written within the frameworks of: drama, film, media studies, photography, journalism, literary and cultural studies, cultural geography, Irish studies, European studies, gender studies, history, discourse analysis, psychology etc. SJAH publishes original research, creative work, and critical discourse on traditional, contemporary, and popular issues in the field of arts & humanities studies. JAHS publishes articles which contribute new novel experimentation and theoretical work in all areas of arts and Humanities and its applications. The journal welcomes publications of high-quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications in business and management. Papers are solicited from, but not limited to the following topics mentioned in the genre segment.
Genre: Visual Arts (Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Photography, Design, Creativity, Sculpture, Conceptual Art), Performing Arts (Music, Theater, Dance), Literary Arts, Art History, And Culinary Art, Anthropology, Archeology, Communication Studies, Cultural Studies, Development Studies, Education, Geography, History, Journalism, Language, Law, Library Science, Linguistics, Literature, Novels & Short Stories, Philosophy, Poetry, Religion Etc.
Editor-in-Chief: Ralf Meerbote
Affiliation: Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Rochester, USA
Submit Papers for: Volume 01_ Issue 01
Submission Deadline: 10 October, 2024